In the kingdom of God, it is not us against them. The problem of racism stretches back as far humanity’s origin in the book of Genesis. Brother pitted against brother, tribe against tribe—people have warred against one another, fueled by contempt for racial differences. Yet the gospel is a message...

One nation, under God. Religious liberty isn’t a principle for Americans alone, though it certainly has played an important role in the history of the United States. Religious liberty is a matter of authority and allegiance for people of every land. To whom one owes ultimate allegiance is a matter...

Christian’s should be known by what they are for, not simply what they are against.The Bible is unambiguously clear about marriage’s definition and purpose. So, Christians are for marriage. The Bible’s witness on marriage doesn’t allow for same-sex marriage, not because the Bible gives attention to same-sex marriage, but because...

Abortion has been a divisive issue in American culture since the sexual revolution. Yet the Bible is an unapologetic defender of human dignity. The time is now for this generation to reaffirm that believers have always believed: everybody is created in the image of God.

The evangelical adoption movement is but one strand in a long cord of Christian care for orphans. The gospel is decidedly pre-adoption and on the side of the orphan. Yet many obstacles stand in the way of Christian’s mission to provide care to the least of these.

The times have never been more crucial for digging deeper, past the definition of marriage to the structure of marriage, the blessings of marriage, and the opportunity for living out the image of the gospel that’s embodied within marriage.

You are not what you do. So often, in America, we define who we are by what we do. We introduce ourselves by our job titles. We ask, “What do you do?” to be polite in small talk. We define others by their occupation. But there are good reasons to...

The problem isn’t sex. God designed sex; and sex is good. Sex is a powerful union that brings men and women together. But when sex is distorted by sin, the misuse of our sexuality can alienate us from one another, causing immense harm and pain. Enter pornography—the most prevalent distortion...

We live in a society of broken homes. Having parents in the home doesn’t mean that parenting is actually happening. Parenting is a God-given task that ensures young children are protected and nurtured into maturity in the fear and admonition of the Lord. But America and the church faces a...